2023-11-30 14:30 Market

The logistics center in the Kyrgyz Republic offers to businesses special climatic and customs conditions.

The Batyr Logistics Center with a total area of 110 thousand square meters will be built in Kyrgyzstan. The total investment costs will amount to $20 million as Logyrus was informed by IBC Global, which became the exclusive broker of the logistics center project. The center will be constructed in the Alamudun district of the Chui region in Bishkek, not far from the border with the Republic of Kazakhstan. The hub will occupy a land plot of 23.5 hectares.

Case history |Warehousing fever in Central Asia| Kyrgyzstan: the wandering transit.

The logistics center will include a multi-functional warehouse with vegetable storage, a customs terminal, and a dry storage area. The project is planned to be carried out in three stages. In the first stage, it is proposed to construct a multi-functional warehouse with an area of 30.2 thousand square meters, which provides a bonded goods storehouse and multi-temperature zone. The facility is scheduled to be commissioned in the first quarter of 2025.

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